Begini ccrite nye, once upon time... heee
saya n bah ikot trip anjuran ofis mama pegi jhor n singapore.
too bad bak tak g. :((
basically, mak cik2 yg rmai dlm trip ni. hmm nasib bdn.
so less fun fr me. Luckily ade
- kak ejun
- kak bad
- kak umi
- kak riz
- kak ayu
- kak ina
Jadi adalh org urk bermain game dlm uni studios. :) , syukor!
A few picture taken during the trip.
where shrek n fiona live.
4D SHREK is the best movie i ever watch my entire life.
pengalaman yg dirasai:
*real water splashing (p/s: basah bju ak muke ak)
*movable chair. :), mcm naik kuda
*wind rushing through my neck, hantu kluar.
Persembahan kbudayaan. very intereting!
*tarian singa.
Naik double decker bus. sweet ride. yeah :D
if u have a hard time to find a great place to spend time with your family n friends.
this is the best choice. no kidding!
u l0ok gorgeous :)))
BalasPadamThanks man!
BalasPadamappreciate it. :)
a lot.